Advance Your Nursing Career with an Accelerated MSN

Bridge the gap from RN to MSN and step into leadership or advanced clinical roles with a flexible, streamlined program.


Ready to advance your nursing career and take on a leadership or specialized clinical role?

Our RN-MSN program offers a seamless pathway for registered nurses to earn their Master of Science in Nursing. Designed for working nurses, this online program prepares you for higher-level positions in healthcare organizations, clinical leadership, education, and administration—all while maintaining your current career.

Through hands-on practicum experiences, you’ll gain the skills needed to excel in today’s healthcare landscape.

Online RN-MSN


RNBS 3303 – Pathophsyiology
This online course focuses on the etiologic, symptomatologic, and pathologic aspects of selected human diseases across the life span. Concepts of health promotion, disease prevention, disease progression, and treatment are approached from a cellular and multi-system perspective. Influences of genetic, ethnic, and cultural variables on human diseases are analyzed. Content aims at stimulating critical thinking for application to nursing practice.
RNBS 3312 – Health Assessment for Registered Nurses
This course focuses on the synthesis of nursing knowledge and skills to perform a comprehensive health assessment of individuals across the lifespan. Students practice health assessment skills in laboratory settings.
RNBS 3315 – Professional Development for the Registered Nurse
This WEB based course for registered nurses broadens existing knowledge of the discipline of nursing based on a liberal education in the arts and sciences. Emphasis is on professional role expansion through exploration of contemporary nursing issues.
RNBS 3333 Evidence-Based Decision Making (EBDM)
This course advances evidence-based decision making as it relates to the science of nursing. Findings of selected research studies are appraised and presented. Ethical considerations and methods of protection of human subjects are integrated throughout the course.
RNBS 4309 - Wellness and Health Promotion
This course will explore factors that impact a healthy society and how these factors contribute to optimal health or premature illness. This course will discuss the concepts of personal wellness, risk reduction, and health promotion across the lifespan.
RNBS 4313 - Care Coordination for the Registered Nurse
This course will investigate models of care to improve the health of people with chronic illness. Focus will be on contributing factors, self-management, health systems, delivery systems design, clinical information systems, and quality improvement process.
RNBS 4601 – Community and Population Focused Nursing
This course introduces the RN to concepts of community health utilizing the population focused nursing process. Includes levels of disease prevention, principles of epidemiology, community assessment, environmental health, disaster preparedness, and professional nursing roles and interprofessional collaboration in various community settings. Emphasis is on health promotion, risk reduction, and disease management across the lifespan in selected community settings.
RNBS 4631 – Nursing Leadership and Management
Synthesis of theories and concepts related to critical thinking, change theory, conflict resolution, delegation, and changes that impact the health care delivery system are discussed.  Theories and concepts related to leadership and management are presented.  Opportunities for theory application are provided in selected structured and unstructured settings.
NURS 5301 Translational Science I
To facilitate ethical translation of current evidence into practice, this course provides an overview of theory and its relationship with research. Qualitative research designs and methods are explored.
NURS 5302 Translational Science II
Students will explore quantitative research designs, statistical analytical techniques, and appraisal of quantitative evidence for understanding nursing as a scientific discipline.
NURS 5321 Health Policy and Population Health
This course explores the reciprocity between health care policies and population health.
NURS 5324 Health Care Informatics
This course prepares the student to utilize informatics and health care technologies in the management of individuals, groups and organizations for the improvement of patient outcomes.
NURS 5325 Organizational and Systems Leadership
Concepts related to healthcare organizations and systems such as professionalism, leadership models, leadership theories/principles, interpersonal and interprofessional communication, organizational culture, and systems-based practice are explored.
NURS 5331 Leadership in Healthcare
Enables the professional nurse to demonstrate organizations and systems leadership by synthesizing principles of leadership and management theory, organizational science, professional communication, and informatics. Theories are applied in the consideration of evidenced based practice.
NURS 5335 Legal, Regulatory, and Financial Management
 Focuses on the legal, ethical, regulatory, and fiscal environment faced by nurse administrators. Enables the professional nurse to manage the ethical, legal and regulatory issues facing healthcare organizations and actively participate in the fiscal management of healthcare divisions and organizations.
NURS 5337 Delivery of Care
Focuses on the delivery of care within the healthcare environment at the organizational, community, state, national, and international levels. Enables the professional nurse to participate in the design of care delivery systems within healthcare organization in community, state, and national environments.
NURS 5382 Capstone Project
Students will synthesize evidence for a clinical problem and develop an evidence-based project building on work in prior core and clinical courses. This project will be comprised of evidence-based best practice innovations that will actualize the nursing advanced practice role in educational, administrative, and clinical environments to impact health of individuals or populations. This course is designed to fall within the final two semesters of the MSN program.
NURS 5301 Translational Science I
To facilitate ethical translation of current evidence into practice, this course provides an overview of theory and its relationship with research. Qualitative research designs and methods are explored.
NURS 5302 Translational Science II
Students will explore quantitative research designs, statistical analytical techniques, and appraisal of quantitative evidence for understanding nursing as a scientific discipline.
NURS 5321 Health Policy and Population Health
This course explores the reciprocity between health care policies and population health.
NURS 5324 Health Care Informatics
This course prepares the student to utilize informatics and health care technologies in the management of individuals, groups and organizations for the improvement of patient outcomes.
NURS 5325 Organizational and Systems Leadership
Concepts related to healthcare organizations and systems such as professionalism, leadership models, leadership theories/principles, interpersonal and interprofessional communication, organizational culture, and systems-based practice are explored.
NURS 5327 Nursing Education Curriculum
Theories and procedures of educational program and course development applied to nursing education. Includes philosophical values, educational concepts, and theories of learning used to link nursing education to standards of nursing practice. Guides students to develop curriculum plans and propose related teaching and evaluation strategies.
NURS 5328 Evaluation in Nursing Education
Assessment of theories and strategies of measurement and evaluation as they apply to nursing education. Combines theories of measurement and evaluation with outcomes based approaches to promote safe effective professional nursing practice. Experiential exercises in the development, use, and critique of measurement and evaluation methods to classroom and clinical learning situations as well as to nursing education program evaluation.
NURS 5329 Nursing Education Roles/Strategies
This course is an exploration of the nurse educator role in structuring teaching strategies that assure effective individual and group learning, safe clinical practice, and a commitment to lifelong learning. Practicum hours may focus on pre-licensure nursing education in an academic setting and/or staff development in an acute care setting.
NURS 5355 Integrated Adv Health Assessment, Pathophysiology, and Pharmacology
This course is designed for the master’s students who are not planning to pursue a nurse practitioner certification. Students will integrate concepts of advanced pathophysiology and advanced pharmacology to apply advanced health assessment principles and skills for comprehensive examination of clients. Focus will be on common deviations from normal. Populations across the lifespan will be included.  
NURS 5382 Capstone Project
Students will synthesize evidence for a clinical problem and develop an evidence-based project building on work in prior core and clinical courses. This project will be comprised of evidence-based best practice innovations that will actualize the nursing advanced practice role in educational, administrative, and clinical environments to impact health of individuals or populations. This course is designed to fall within the final two semesters of the MSN program.
NURS 5301 Translational Science I
To facilitate ethical translation of current evidence into practice, this course provides an overview of theory and its relationship with research. Qualitative research designs and methods are explored.
NURS 5302 Translational Science II
Students will explore quantitative research designs, statistical analytical techniques, and appraisal of quantitative evidence for understanding nursing as a scientific discipline.
NURS 5321 Health Policy and Population Health
This course explores the reciprocity between health care policies and population health.
NURS 5324 Health Care Informatics
This course prepares the student to utilize informatics and health care technologies in the management of individuals, groups and organizations for the improvement of patient outcomes.
NURS 5325 Organizational and Systems Leadership
Concepts related to healthcare organizations and systems such as professionalism, leadership models, leadership theories/principles, interpersonal and interprofessional communication, organizational culture, and systems-based practice are explored.
NURS 5381 Healthcare Informatics 21st Century
Provides introductory principles to understand conceptual and theoretical basis for information management in healthcare informatics. An interdisciplinary approach will be used to examine the clinical aspects, practice considerations, and application of information technology. 
NURS 5383 Informatics Quality, Safety
This course is focused on preparing the students for all facets of information system procurement and implementation. A primary focus of the course is on the tactical skills and competencies required to implement information systems in various healthcare settings. This course prepares the student to function as a project team member during the implementation of a clinical information system and to participate in system evaluation and maintenance.
NURS 5387 Data Analysis Healthcare Technology
Learning to effectively manage and analyze healthcare data is essential to the practice of healthcare informatics. In this course, students examine data standards, management, analysis, application and transformation. The students will have hands-on experience with data analysis from conception of a project to presenting the results. Students will examine other ways technologies are being used in healthcare such as simulation, robotics, wearable devices and communication.
NURS 5389 Informatics Capstone
This course is focused on demonstrating critical thinking, self-direction, and competency in the skills needed by healthcare informatics professions entering the profession.  Using students' learning from the prerequisites courses, a series of real-world work products will be created based on unfolding case studies using simulated data sets. Students will work in one or more consulting team(s) however; a portfolio of their individual work will be created as exemplars for the future.


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